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מפחית את הלחצים מהאגן והרגלים, משפר את היציבה בזמן שישב על הכיסא

מנח רגלים

לא כולל מע״מ
  • The seating supports are specially designed for children and adults with mild and moderate control of the body. After in-depth research and working with a clinical team, we have created a unique solution, which improves the quality of life and Mobility of the family.

    Together with a clinical team, we make the optimal fit for the body and the needs for sitting posture. The support can be obtained as a shelf product in fixed sizes or produce as fully customized support.

צור קשר


נתניה, ישראל

שעות פתיחה

שני - שישי:

10:00 - 19:00

צור קשר



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תודה שפנית, נחזור אלייך בהקדם!

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